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Choreboy Handyman Services, LLC


Resources for Homeowners

Choreboy Customer's Guide to Drywall Renovation
A brief summary of what you can expect with quality drywall renovations performed by Choreboy Handyman Services.

Choreboy Recommended Ceramic Tile Suppliers
A handy reference to suppliers of professional-grade ceramic tile and installation products.  A quality installation begins with the right materials, and these suppliers service and sell the best.

Drywall Finish Levels
Drywall finishing specification GA-214-96, published as a collaborative effort of the Gypsum Association and other trade groups to define quality levels (0-5) for finishing of gypsum board drywall.  Please review this document if you have questions regarding the finish level referenced in an estimate.

Michigan Basement Emergency Escape & Rescue Openings
Michigan code requirements for basements with habitable spaces (bedrooms, recreation rooms, etc.).   Important information when considering remodeling your basement to add one of the above.   Note that the emergency egress requirements do NOT apply to storage rooms, bathrooms, closets, etc..

Toilet Performance Testing Report
The good news is that today's 1.6 gallon toilets use half the water per flush of older models.  However, in some cases, performance may suffer when you replace your old unit, leading to persistent clogging problems and/or the need for double-flushing.   Not all toilets are created equal.  Check the above web site for performance results from testing of popular toilet models before you buy.

Residential Rehabilitation Inspection Guide 2000, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Exhaustive guidelines for evaluating the rehabilitation potential of small residential buildings and structures.   A wonderful, free reference guide intended for use by those with a basic knowledge of building construction.

Protect Your Family From Lead In Your Home
If your home was built before 1978, you most likely have some amount of lead in the paint in your home.  The EPA website above provides valuable information for homeowners regarding both the effects of lead on your body and potential hazards in your home.   Please note that Choreboy Handyman Services recognizes and applies EPA recommended remodeling practices wherever possible (does your current contractor?).   For information on identifying specific lead hazards in your home, please refer to the resource above.   Michigan state law requires that lead testing and abatement be performed by contractors specifically licensed for these functions.

Glenn Haege Web Site
Web site of the popular "America's Master Handyman" of newspaper and radio fame.   Lots of good home improvement tips and links.